Three hundred trees are being planted in Southwest Detroit to improve environmental and living conditions within a degraded area of the Rouge River watershed. The plantings will stretch from Detroit’s Patton Park to the newly renovated Kemeny Park and roughly follow the route of the Iron Belle Trail, a statewide trail that will connect Belle Isle in Detroit to Ironwood in the Upper Peninsula. The project connects two economically challenged neighborhoods, Springwells Village and Boynton, long separated by heavy industry, and includes over 500 acres on both sides of the Rouge River. The three hundred trees will help avoid 17,700 gallons of runoff into the Rouge River and improve air quality.
The project is being supported by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the United States Forest Service. The grant is being managed by Southwest Detroit Business Association (SWDBA), the project led by Professional Engineering Associates, Inc., and the public outreach coordinated by Friends of the Rouge.
The trees will be planted in the fall of 2018 and the spring of 2019. Native trees will be used when possible. Some non-native hardy trees that can survive the poor air quality of the area will also be included.

- Red Maple
- Green Mountain Sugar Maple
- American basswood
- Encore Landon Planetree
- Red Oak
- Valley Forge Elm
- Tulip tree
- Princeton Elm
- Washington Hawthorn
- Black Locust
- Eastern Redbud
- Common Hackberry
- Eastern White Pine
For more information, contact Theresa Zajac at SWDBA,, (313) 842-0986.
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