Friends of the Rouge (FOTR) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that was founded in 1986 to raise awareness about the need to clean up the Rouge River in southeast Michigan.

Contact Us
650 Church Street Suite 209
Plymouth, MI 48170
The FOTR office is located off of Main Street on the North end of downtown Plymouth, Michigan. From Church Street, follow Adams Street along the west side of the building to access the very large parking lot behind the main building. You can park anywhere in the lot, but there’s usually plenty of space closer to the back entrance. There is a red awning with “PARC” on it – enter through the double doors past the banner of PARC, CCS and FOTR flags. Upon entering take a right and pass through the blue doors. At the front entrance of the building there’s a very large staircase – take that to the second floor. Upon entering take an immediate left (you will see a tropical rain forest mural on your left). Our offices take up a large section of the west side of the second floor. The main door is painted bright blue… you will find us there!
Map and directions.
Friends of the Rouge is supported by private, state, and federal grants, membership support, as well as individual and corporate donations. Please consider supporting Friends of the Rouge today by becoming a member, donor, or sponsor.
Watch the video below for a brief history of the issues facing the Rouge River watershed and the actions taken to restore it.