Lauren Eaton is the Monitoring Manager at Friends of the Rouge and joined the team in 2023. She is so excited to be a steward of the watershed and to affect positive change for all beings that live in and around the Rouge River. She has volunteered for many years with the Huron River Watershed Council, and some of her most memorable learning moments were outside or in the stream during those volunteer events so she hopes to be able to foster moments like those for others by serving as the Monitoring Manager.
Prior to working at Friends of the Rouge, Lauren was a contractor working for the United States Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLSC). At the GLSC, Lauren worked on projects monitoring larval fish, zooplankton, and water quality in Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, as well as the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers.
She grew up in St. Clair Shores, Michigan and has always loved learning about the natural world and the rivers and lakes.
In her free time, Lauren loves to hike and swim, and any day spent in the river looking at bugs is a day well spent in her opinion. Her favorite bugs are caddisfly larvae because some of the cases they make
are so intricate and beautiful!