Pick up your pre-ordered rain barrels, rain barrel kits, stands, diverters and composters starting at noon!
Are you as excited for spring as we are? Do you need some plants in your life but just can’t […]
As long-time Friends of the Rouge know, a watershed is all the area of land that drains into a particular river. Whenever it rains or the snow melts, those water drops soak into earth or travel across land to join their kin in the nearest creek or tributary.
As I sit at my desk watching new snowflakes gently fall, I’m reminded that January is a time for new beginnings. T.S. Eliot said “last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice…to make an end is to make a beginning.” I think this is what is so magical about the opportunity we create for ourselves every January – the chance to leave behind what was, and to reach out for what can be.
The Southeast Michigan Report Cards present “grades” for five watersheds in the region. These grades have been calculated using expert advice and science-driven standards for environmental and socioeconomic conditions.
Summer of 2024, FOTR culvert technicians Ben Walski and Jerrad Jankowski led the sampling of over 225 sites along the Lower Rouge and its tributaries where the stream crosses a road. Check out the new stream crossing dashboard, where every single site can be found with corresponding data and scoring.
As we wrap up another fantastic year of our Rain Gardens to the Rescue program, we want to share our immense gratitude and pride for everyone involved!
Friends – You are invited to celebrate Fall, your River, and the beautiful impact that YOU make. Mark your calendar and join Friends for a beautiful day at Ford Field Park. Enjoy decorations from the Haunted Paddle, toast s’mores, and connect with Friends at interactive Rouge River tents! This family-friendly event is free. Costumes are optional.