friends@therouge.org | 734-927-4900 | Fax: 734-927-4920

Our Work

REP 2020 Fall Monitoring

With many schools still operating virtually or in a hybrid environment, fall monitoring was a bit smaller than usual this year due to the COVID-19...
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Bug Hunts During COVID-19

See COVID-19 Policy UPDATE – ADDENDUM Post September 21, 2021 Because any in-person contact risks spreading the disease, Friends of the Rouge requires all participants...
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REP 2020 Spring Monitoring

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in widespread school closures, spring monitoring as usual was not possible this year. The Education Manager was able to...
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Yellow Perch

Perca flavescens Yellow Perch Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present

Yellow Bullhead

Ameiurus natalis Yellow Bullhead Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present

White Sucker

Catostomus commersoni White Sucker Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present

White Perch

Morone americana White Perch Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present