friends@therouge.org | 734-927-4900 | Fax: 734-927-4920


Rain Barrels 101

6,000 Rain Barrels for the Rouge Help restore clean water to your Rouge River by joining the effort to achieve 6,000 rain barrels in active...
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Get Your Lawn a Job!

Sure, your lawn looks great, but… let’s be honest. It takes a lot of work. Your work. Isn’t it time your lawn started pulling its...
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Build a Rain Garden

What’s a rain garden? It’s a garden with a job. A rain garden has a job to do—controlling puddles and keeping basements dry by soaking...
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Rain Gardens to the Rescue®

Partner: Sierra Club Michigan ChapterFunders: National Fish and Wildlife Federation, Cleveland Cliffs [South End Dearborn gardens] What is a Rain Garden? A rain garden is...
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Plants for Rain Gardens

Friends of the Rouge recommends native species for rain gardens and ornamental landscapes. Native plants tend to perform best in rain gardens, and have been...
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