You are invited: Join your community of Friends
Join your voice to the chorus of caring people like you who stand for a better Rouge River and a more vibrant Southeast Michigan! Show your commitment to restoring and protecting the Rouge River ecosystem by becoming a Friend today. You can better the environment for generations to come. Or become a Best Friend and monthly donor to create a better River all year long.
Membership Options:
$8 – Green Frog | $20 – Monarch Butterfly
$35 – Dragonfly | $50 – Wood Frog
$100 – Caddisfly | $250 – Leopard Frog
$500 – Redside Dace | $1,000 – Stonefly Society
$2,500 – Watershed Friend
Your membership benefits at all giving levels include:
- A Friends of the Rouge window decal or sticker
- An invitation to the Friends of the Rouge Annual Membership Meeting
- The ability to vote for/serve on our Board of Directors
- Discounts when applicable for special events and the online store
- Special Member Impact Updates
Membership is categorized by household. When you join, everyone currently living at your home address will also receive membership benefits.
Membership Options:

Stonefly Society
Signs of hope, these insects in their larval form are indicators of great river health. Your gift makes you a member of the “Stonefly Society” and entitles you to extra impact updates, special events, and a behind-the-scenes look at the impact that you create for a clean water future!

Watershed Friend
Create your legacy for a clean water future. Your friendship grows more River trails, engages more Friends in hands-on critter tracking, plants more trees & plants for less flooding and cleaner water. And supports thoughtful advocacy to protect your hometown River. You receive all of the benefits of the Stonefly Society plus a heart full of joy and pride, for the beautiful difference that you make.
Want to pay by check?
Please print, then fill out this Membership Form and include it with a check made out to:
Friends of the Rouge
650 Church St, Ste 209
Plymouth, MI 48170
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead