Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

EVENT FULL: waiting list open in case of cancellations

DATE: Friday 11/6, 9am to noon

Your help is needed to complete a rain garden at Salem Township Hall. With funding from EGLE and labor from two Ford volunteer groups, Friends of the Rouge designed and completed the majority of work in 2019. The focus of the build will be to complete the connection between downspouts at the building and the rain garden. The outcome will be an attractive rain garden planting that filters stormwater run-off, helping solve problems with flooding and pollution. The day will also include a tour and education. 

All participants should plan to wear a mask, work pants, and shoes appropriate for field work, as well as to dress appropriately for the weather.

RSVP REQUIRED. To RSVP, e-mail Matthew Bertrand at or press the button below.

Press here to RSVP by e-mail

COVID-19 POLICY. All participants are required to wear a mask, adhere to social distancing, sign a volunteer liability waiver, and, after taking a pre-screen on the day of the event, staying home should the screen yield a positive outcome. For more information on FOTR’s Covid-19 volunteer policy, follow this link.


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