Saturday, June 29, 2019 Rain Garden Installation at Moraine Elementary School 9am-noon
Sunday, June 30, 2019 Rain Garden Installation at a Plymouth Residence 1pm-5pm
To RSVP, please contact Matthew Bertrand, mbertrand@therouge.org, or 734-927-4903.
Interested in hands-on experience installing rain gardens? This spring, with help from volunteers like you, Friends of the Rouge will install as many as 18 rain gardens. Explore below for the list of projects, or visit Friends of the Rouge’s calendar.
What’s a rain garden? A rain garden is a garden with a job to do: soaking up the rain! The Rouge’s biggest problem is too much dirty water runoff during big storms. Rain garden’s help solve problems with flooded basements, flooded streets, and dirty creeks. Rain gardens look great at home and around your community. Join us to learn more about whether a rain garden is right for you!
Past HappeningsClick to learn more about past FOTR events.