Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

With funding from the city and the dedicated work of dozens of volunteers, Redford Township now has three (3) new rain gardens! Take a trip down Beech Daly to see the care and love put into these gardens:

  1. Claude Allison Park (near the tennis courts): Each concentric ring of the garden contains a different plant rising up to meet you and become fresh habitat for all sorts of critters. 
  2. Lola Dr. and Beech Daly Rd: Despite being the smallest garden it has a lot of character in the plants that live there providing tons of flowers for pollinators like blue lobelia, horsemint and purple coneflower.
  3. Redford Water Department: The garden space is long with a planting design focused on a red twig dogwood with radiating stripes of butterfly weed, blue indigo, and asters.


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