Rosina brings a wealth of plant knowledge and gardening experience with her. She is originally from Texas and received a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture/ Floriculture from Texas A&M University. Rosina is also a FOTR Master Rain Gardener, Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit Learnshop Presenter, and has completed MSU training in Field Botany and Conservation Stewards, along with MI DNR/MAEOE Project Wild, Project Aquatic, Growing Up WILD, and Flying WILD trainings.
Rosina has her own business, New Earth Home and Garden, where she designs native landscapes as well as educates and coaches clients and groups. Rosina also has nonprofit work experience with MSU Tollgate Farm, where she served as horticulture coordinator and educational leader. At Tollgate Farm she coordinated adult education programs and led agricultural education programs for youth.
Rosina lives with her husband David, Chico the dog, and Bella the cat. Outside of work, she enjoys developing their homestead, exploring Michigan natural areas, and making various concoctions in the kitchen.