You are Invited to Become a Master Rain Gardener!
Are you ready to transform your lawn into a living habitat and stormwater solution? This is the class for you! Design your own rain garden step-by-step as you learn the A, B, C’s of rain gardening. This includes lessons learned from more than 1,400 rain gardens built by homeowners just like you! Learn what works and what doesn’t.
This virtual class is presented live. Ask questions and enjoy discussions with participants in your community. The course includes a visit to a rain garden in your area, discussions through the Master Rain Gardener Facebook group (or an alternate forum), and a chance to earn your certification as a Master Rain Gardener–including a t-shirt and sign.
Full scholarships are available for residents in the following zip codes:
Detroit (48209, 48217), Ecorse (48229), Inkster (48141), Lincoln Park (48146), Melvindale (48122), River Rouge (48218), Riverview (48193), Romulus (48174), Taylor (48180).
Class Times: Thursdays, 10 am – 12 pm, January 30–February 27
Class Location: virtual classroom with in-person tours throughout SE Michigan

Endangered Minnow Found in Your Sister Watershed!
The Rouge River is one of only TWO watersheds in Michigan that support the endangered redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus), a small minnow with a red stripe that requires cold, clean water and gravel for spawning. Fish technician, Philip Kukulski, discovered a posting on Facebook and alerted your Friends’ Team to a new finding of redside dace in the Clinton River!
Trevor Larson was out diving and filming minnows for fun in the Clinton River when a minnow with a large mouth and a red stripe caught his attention. Check out his film in the video below. One correction is that these special endangered fish HAVE been found in the Rouge, in 2022 and 2024. Bob Muller, Rouge River fish expert, is already planning a collaboration with Trevor for underwater filming in the Rouge. What a great find to learn that this very rare fish still survives in THREE watersheds in Michigan!

Congratulations to the 2024 Fall StormWater Specialist Graduates!
As the planting season comes to an end, it is a pleasure to recognize the 14 participants who earned their certificates for completing the StormWater Specialist Training this fall. These excellent StormWater Specialists gained valuable hands on experience with plant identification, weeding, transplanting, thinning, mulching, and edging the St Suzanne’s Rain Gardens. They are now eligible to take on contracts through St Suzanne and Friends of the Rouge to maintain rain gardens in the Detroit area.
If you or someone you know would like to hire any SWST graduates to install or maintain your rain gardens, please contact Matt Connors at mconnors@therouge.com or Amethyst Crawford at amethystcrawford15@gmail.com. Let your rain garden dreams become a reality!

New Rain Garden Receives the Spotlight!
In September, FOTR created a new rain garden in Southwest Detroit at Grace in Action Church through the Sacred Grounds program. Sacred Grounds is a National Wildlife Federation program that recognizes congregations, houses of worship, and faith communities who both create wildlife habitat and actively link faith practices and caring for the environment. This rain garden installation was highlighted in Great Lakes Now. Many thanks to the volunteers, partners and friends who continue to show up to make green infrastructure projects special.

Looking for a Special Nature-Themed Gift?
Are you looking for a nature-inspired gift for that special someone? Shop these one-of-a-kind, functional, art pieces. Your loved ones will thank you. And because you are a Friend – you are invited to use the link below for your special 10% discount through the holidays.
Visit https://annivorystudios.com/ and use the code FOTR10 for your 10% discount

You Can Make a Difference!
A Friend to your Rouge, Annie, installed a beautiful native plants in her backyard, reducing flooding in her neighborhood and creating a haven for pollinators and birds. This summer, she received citation from the City of Livonia that her vibrant meadow had to be cut down to due a city ordinance. Many municipal ordinances across the country were written before there was widespread awareness of the benefits of native plant landscaping. Annie’s story inspired a team of concerned citizens to speak at a city council meeting, including members of Wild Ones and members of FOTR. The City Council voted unanimously to move the issue to the Law and Education Committee to be considered further. The next public meeting will be held on December 4 at 7 pm in the Livonia City Hall.
Annie’s meadow is alive and intact, but still subject to the current City of Livonia ordinances.

Members of Friends of the Rouge: It’s Time to Vote!
It’s your time to vote and shape the future of your Friends of the Rouge. Members in good standing are invited to cast your vote for the 2024 Board of Directors. Please look for your ballot in your inbox now, or in your mailbox soon. For more information about the candidates and how to cast your vote, click the link below.
Questions about your membership? You are welcome to email Lara at ledwards@therouge.org.
Job Opportunities
Others Hiring:
Clinton River Watershed Council: Communications & Development Manager
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments: Water Quality Program Manager
University of Michigan, CIGLR: Biogeochemsitry Laboratory Analyst, Atmospheric Science Research Specialist
Upcoming Events
Sat. January 25 at 10 am: 2025 Stonefly Search
Partner Events
Sat. Nov 16 2-4 pm, Rouge Park Cherry Orchard
Friends of Rouge Park: Pruning Workshop
Sat. Nov 16 at 8:30 am
Detroit Bird Alliance: Kensington Nature Center Birding Walk
Sat. Nov 16 at 1 pm
Grosse Ile Nature & Land Conservancy: Creatures of the Night
Wed. Nov 20 at 7 pm
Detroit Bird Alliance: Bird Brain Trivia Night
Fri. Nov 22 2-9pm, Rouge Park Joe Prance Recreation Area
Friends of Rouge Park: Queer Workday, Buckthorn Bonfire
Sat. Nov 23 at 12 pm
Detroit Bird Alliance: Palmer Park Fall Clean Up
Tue. Jan 21 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Rouge River Advisory Council: RRAC Meeting (virtual)
Michigan Clean Water Corps: 2025 Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program

From your Trails Manager, Herman

A better River is made possible thanks to these supporters and in thanks to caring Friends like you

News & EventsLearn more about upcoming FOTR events and projects
NewslettersThe Rouge Rundown is our biweekly newsletter. Click to read past editions.