Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

With over 1.3 million people living in the lands that drain to your Rouge River, your help getting the word out makes an enormous difference.

Post Flyers on Bulletin Boards

Can you help post the flyers to bulletin boards in your area? Think about your church, place of work, library, or other community locations. We can’t cover the Rouge’s 467 square miles without you! Let us know if we can mail you hard copies, and how many you’d like.

Please see below for flyers on upcoming events/activities.

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Connect with us on social media, and help share important information.








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Build a Better Future

You deserve a clean and healthy Rouge River for your loved ones to safely enjoy today and to leave to future generations. Show your commitment to restoring the Rouge River watershed ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.


Volunteers (like you!) are the people who make it possible to restore and protect your Rouge River right here in southeast Michigan

Donate or Become a Member

Restore and protect the Rouge River ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.

On Your Own

What you do in your yard can make a big difference to the health of the river and our whole ecosystem.