Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Your efforts as a volunteer at the Native Plant and Rain Barrel Pick-Up Event are critical to maintaining an open pipeline of low-cost conservation supplies into southeast Michigan, with subsidies and scholarships to ensure everyone can afford to do right at their homes regardless of income level. Your efforts work our region towards the 2025 goals for 1,000 rain gardens, 1,000 habitat gardens, and 6,000 rain barrels. To learn more about the event, visit here:

To be a good fit as a volunteer, you must be able to lift and move the 18lb rain barrels AND enjoy bringing people joy by connecting them with their plants and rain barrels!

If you placed an order through the sale, in thanks for your support, you’ll receive a 20% reimbursement on your order (maximum $20 per shift below, or $40 if you take on both shifts!) after the event is over, or during the event for same-day plant purchases.

Sign Up to Volunteer!


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You deserve a clean and healthy Rouge River for your loved ones to safely enjoy today and to leave to future generations. Show your commitment to restoring the Rouge River watershed ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.


Volunteers (like you!) are the people who make it possible to restore and protect your Rouge River right here in southeast Michigan

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Restore and protect the Rouge River ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.

On Your Own

What you do in your yard can make a big difference to the health of the river and our whole ecosystem.