Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

Friends of the Rouge engages thousands of people each year in hands-on restoration and stewardship efforts throughout the Rouge River watershed through a number of public involvement and education programs.

Program Areas


A clearinghouse for the Advocacy and Lobbying work we do.


Education is at the center of all we do! Expand your knowledge of the Rouge River.


A 25-mile paddling trail that FOTR is working to develop with local partners


Monitoring bugs, frogs & toads, and fish, engaging volunteers to assess the health of the river.


Educational programs and hands-on projects for residents to learn how to take care of land along the river.


Shop services and products to protect the Rouge River in your own backyard.

Build a Better Future

You deserve a clean and healthy Rouge River for your loved ones to safely enjoy today and to leave to future generations. Show your commitment to restoring the Rouge River watershed ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.


Volunteers (like you!) are the people who make it possible to restore and protect your Rouge River right here in southeast Michigan

Donate or Become a Member

Restore and protect the Rouge River ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.

On Your Own

What you do in your yard can make a big difference to the health of the river and our whole ecosystem.