friends@therouge.org | 734-927-4900 | Fax: 734-927-4920

Annual Meeting 2019 - Virtual video capture

2019 Virtual Annual Meeting

Friends of the Rouge (FOTR) presents the 2019 Virtual Annual Meeting.  Held for the first time as a pre-recorded session, the FOTR team takes viewers through a recap of all the major moments of 2019. 

Enjoy stories, vivid images, and a message of hope for a better future

The work done by FOTR in 2019 reflects an enduring dedication to preserve and protect the Rouge River watershed for future generations to enjoy.  We celebrate and thank the incredible members, volunteers, and donors who give through FOTR for the Rouge.

Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting

The 2019 Annual Report elaborates further on what was presented.

View the 2019 Annual Report HERE

Award Ceremonies

This year we opted to honor our awardees with individualized virtual award ceremonies.  Enjoy our videos from each presentation.

Stewardship Legacy Award: Sally Petrella
Young Environmental Leader: Roeper School
Best Friend of the Rouge: City of Livonia, Doug Moore
Stewardship Legacy Award: Michael Darga
Julie Rose Frentrup Outstanding Volunteer, Best Friend of the Rouge: Diane O’Connell
Best Friend of the Rouge: Sierra Club