Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

See COVID-19 Policy UPDATE – ADDENDUM Post September 21, 2021

Because any in-person contact risks spreading the disease, Friends of the Rouge requires all participants to abide by the following procedures until further notice.

  1. As of September 21, 2021, Friends of the Rouge (FOTR) now requires all in-person participants to be fully vaccinated or to demonstrate proof of a negative PCR test 48 hours in advance of the event or a work day (more details). 
  2. Vaccinated FOTR participants are NOT required to wear a mask outdoors.
  3. Vaccinated FOTR participants are not required to wear a mask indoors EXCEPT when interacting with the public indoors and unable to utilize a plexiglass barrier or maintain 6 feet of social distancing between other participants and/or other members of the public, when directed by an event leader, or when in the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex shared spaces including restrooms and hallways.
  4. All unvaccinated participants, who have also provided proof of a negative PCR COVID-19 test, attending
    any indoor event shall utilize PPE. The type of PPE (masks, gloves, face shields, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes and sanitizing sprays) issued will be determined on a case-by-case basis based on current CDC recommendations and best practices.
  5. All volunteers must pre-screen themselves prior to their participation.
  6. Face coverings must be worn unless fully vaccinated
  7. Six-foot distancing must be maintained.
  8. Any change in health status within 14 days of the event must be reported back to Friends of the Rouge.
  9. Sign our waiver (this applies to all programming, regardless of covid protocol)

For Bug Hunts and Stonefly Searches, indoor gathering for sampling days will not be held. Volunteers will meet their team at the site. Volunteers are asked to sign up with household/bubble members as much as possible and to provide their own chair or tarp and refreshments if desired. As always, pre-registration is required, children must be 8 years or older and accompanied by a participating adult, and groups are limited to six or fewer.

Registration for Events

COVID-19 Policy UPDATE – ADDENDUM Post September 21, 2021



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You deserve a clean and healthy Rouge River for your loved ones to safely enjoy today and to leave to future generations. Show your commitment to restoring the Rouge River watershed ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.


Volunteers (like you!) are the people who make it possible to restore and protect your Rouge River right here in southeast Michigan

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On Your Own

What you do in your yard can make a big difference to the health of the river and our whole ecosystem.