Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

The state’s largest frog, the bullfrog, can grow up to 8 in. long and live up to 10 years. These frogs are not very common throughout the state and may be declining. They require permanent ponds for breeding and prefer abundant vegetation. Like all frogs and toads, they are predators, and their large size allows them to eat smaller frogs and tadpoles. In turn, humans prey on bullfrogs for their legs.

Bullfrog tadpoles take 5-6 warm months to transform. Since tadpoles do not hatch until June, tadpoles must over winter and some even over winter twice before becoming frogs.

Bullfrogs make a rum-rum-rum sound when they start calling in June.



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