The state’s largest frog, the bullfrog, can grow up to 8 in. long and live up to 10 years. These […]
Green frogs are one of Michigan’s largest species, growing up to 6 in. long. They are widespread around the state […]
There are two species of tree frogs in southeast Michigan; eastern gray tree frogs and Cope’s gray tree frogs. Visually […]
The American toad is abundant all over the state and is the most commonly heard frog or toad species in […]
Once abundant throughout the state, northern leopard frog populations have been declining since the 1970s. The year 2001 may be […]
The spring peeper is Michigan’s smallest frog (0.75 – 1.38 in. long) but is also the loudest. Peepers are found […]
Midland chorus frogs (formerly western chorus frog) are tiny frogs (0.75 – 1.5 in. long) found in open shallow vernal […]
Wood frogs are found in deciduous, mature forests and use temporary, shallow ponds for breeding activities. These frogs are medium […]