Pomoxis nigromaculatus Black Crappie Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present
Lampetra appendix American Brook Lamprey Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present
Preventing the spread of the coronavirus kept us from holding the Spring Bug Hunt last Saturday April 18. So we […]
Ameiurus melas Black bullhead Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present
Staci L. Capozzi, Chunjie Xia, Matthew Shuwal, Gillian Zaharias Miller,Jeff Gearhart, Erica Bloom, Lennart Gehrenkemper, Marta Venier, Dioxin in 2023, […]
Lepomis macochrius Bluegill Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present
Pimephales notatus Bluntnose Minnow Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present
Amia calva The bowfin is the only member of an ancient line of fish that lived during the time of […]
Rhinichthys obtusus Blacknose Dace Distribution black dots = sampling sites; red blocks = species present
The state’s largest frog, the bullfrog, can grow up to 8 in. long and live up to 10 years. These […]