Presented by: Matthew Bertrand, ASLA
Location: Plymouth District Library, 223 S Main St, Plymouth, MI
Date: June 16th, 2018
Time: 10 a.m. to noon (Doors open at 9:30am)
You love your lawn! It’s beautiful and you like how it gets you outside. But you know it isn’t perfect. Did mud puddles dampen the fun at your last barbecue? Did your basement get soaked in a downpour? Maybe you’d like to bring your lawn to life with more color, more hummingbirds, and more butterflies.
Great news! You’re ready to get RainSmart. And the best part? You’ll not only make your lawn a more enjoyable place to be with your family, you’ll also do your part to solve big problems like flooded streets and dirty creeks. Get RainSmart with Friends of the Rouge and the Plymouth District Library, and learn how to make your lawn a better place to enjoy.
Door prizes, including a rain barrel (and more!), to be raffled at the end of the workshop!
This project has been funded wholly or in part through Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s Nonpoint Source Program by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
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