Join us one Saturday a month from April through October each year, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. to help care for the award-winning native demonstration garden at the Merriman Hollow Recreation Area in Hines Park. The site is on Hines Drive at the Merriman entrance between Ann Arbor Trail and Warren (where you enter for the Holiday light show in December). There is currently constructions happening on Merriman Road over Hines Drive, please access from Ann Arbor Trail, just north of the entrance to the park. To access the site from Merriman Road, drive around the barricade if necessary. Once you turn into the park, our work will be on the left, please park on the right in the parking area provided.
All are welcome, kids in elementary school should be accompanied by an adult. Please dress for outdoor gardening work and bring gloves, gardening tools, sunscreen, bug spray and something to drink.

2023 Planned Workdays:
All workdays are planned for Saturdays from 9 am to Noon. We are looking to have at least 25 volunteers per event (no limit on volunteers). Please contact Jennifer Petoskey for any questions or concerns: Petoskeyjennifer@gmail.com or 734-637-1284.
August 12: Weed, path maintenance, trash pickup
Sept 16: Weed, path maintenance, trash pickup
Oct 14: Weed, path maintenance, trash pickup

Create a Merriman Hollow in your own yard!

Category Name 5Short description about the category for context.