Get 15% Off with a FOTR Membership


Membership with Friends of the Rouge has its benefits! Members generally receive discounts on Friends of the Rouge’s sales and events. Become a member today, and you’ll receive a coupon code that you can then use to receive a discount on all products and services sold in the store.

NOTE: Purchase your membership BEFORE purchasing other products to ensure you receive the membership discount. You will receive the discount code in your receipt.

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Membership with Friends of the Rouge has its benefits! Members generally receive discounts on Friends of the Rouge’s sales and events. Become a member today, and you’ll receive a coupon code that you can then use to receive a discount on products and services sold in the store.

NOTE: Purchase your membership before purchasing other products to ensure you receive the membership discount.

To learn more about membership, or to sign up for monthly payments, visit the Friends of the Rouge membership page.