Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

The Rouge Store offers prices on a sliding scale to help ensure that all community members have the opportunity to work towards a Clean Water Future in their community.


Typically what you would pay at a for-profit store. Rather than maximize profit, we aim to maximize community participation through affordable prices. Your choice to pay at this rate invests in Clean Water efforts across southeast Michigan, and helps your friends and neighbors to be successful, too.


The price we need to charge to cover our expenses running the event, covering wholesale costs and staff time providing customer service, managing orders, and placing ads that broadcast Clean Water values to hundreds of thousands of our neighbors in southeast Michigan.


We want you to do great things! You’re someone who has big plans but needs a little help to make it happen. You are exactly why we launched this sale! Our goal is to lower prices to maximize the number of people coming together to work for the Rouge’s Clean Water Future. In receiving this help from your friends and neighbors, keep in mind ways to Pay It Forward in the coming years, whether by volunteering or by donating when you’re able to do so. Typically this tier is best for families at 300% or under the Federal Poverty Guidelines (press here to review income guidelines), e.g. $78,000 annual income for a family of four.


For those who need more help than the subsidized rate, please take advantage of the Scholarship Rate. Typically this tier is best for families at or below 200% the Federal Poverty Guidelines (press here to review income guidelines), e.g. $52,000 annual income for a family of four.


Receive an additional discount by becoming a member of Friends of the Rouge. Memberships are available at whatever price level you can afford, e.g. $8 or lower.


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Build a Better Future

You deserve a clean and healthy Rouge River for your loved ones to safely enjoy today and to leave to future generations. Show your commitment to restoring the Rouge River watershed ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.


Volunteers (like you!) are the people who make it possible to restore and protect your Rouge River right here in southeast Michigan

Donate or Become a Member

Restore and protect the Rouge River ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.

On Your Own

What you do in your yard can make a big difference to the health of the river and our whole ecosystem.