Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

Shop the 8/28 Plant Sale and Friends of the Rouge Fundraiser!

Date: Saturday 8/28/2021
Address: 12973 Farmington Rd, Livonia MI
Time: 1pm to 4pm

Come by between 1pm and 4pm to shop for same-day native plants! Native plants will be provided by Designs By Nature, grown from Michigan genotype seeds. Nursery staff will be present to answer your questions.

  • quart pots for wildflowers, grasses, sedges ($5)
  • quart & gallon pots for woodland plants ($8 and up)

Your native plants will add dynamic beauty to your home by sustaining birds, butterflies, bees, and other pollinators AND your purchase helps support efforts to restore and protect the Rouge River!

Your Friends Karen and Lara look forward to meeting you and taking your plant purchase!

Call for Volunteers!

Learn how you can make this event successful, and get a discount on your purchase, by volunteering. Room for two more volunteers!

Fall: One of the Best Times to Plant Natives!

Lazy gardener? Then fall is your perfect planting season.

Planting in fall typically means far less watering than a spring planting, saving you both time and money on your water bill.

FOTR has successfully planted into early October without issue, and you can too!


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