Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

Your yard can protect the Rouge!

From a Rain Barrel to becoming a Master Rain Gardener, there are many ways you can beautify your yard and improve the health of our local rivers.


Protecting the Rouge in Your Yard

Explore below how you can protect the Rouge River, right in your own backyard! Each step a provides measurable benefit for your creek. Together, they add up to a realized vision that contributes towards a clean and vibrant Rouge River at the center of our community.

Green Landscaping

Traditional landscaping around a home

Standard, high-impact home landscape

Green landscaping around a home

A realized vision: green landscaping for clean streams—applicable to all houses, no matter how far from the river

Sustainable Landscaping

Yard - Ecological benefits of green landscaping

A landscape created with Green Landscaping for Clean Streams techniques is designed to improve water quality and wildlife habitat and is much more sustainable. Plantings are clustered. Steep slopes are vegetated with deep-rooted native flowers and grasses. Rain gardens retain water from the home’s downspouts. Stream-side vegetation reduces streambank erosion. Habitat is created for birds, butterflies and other wildlife.

Learn more about Green Landscaping for Clean Streams HERE

Conserving Water

Compost acts like a sponge and soaks up lots of rainwater, reducing the amount of watering you need to do to keep your plants thriving. Compost provides nutrients and improves garden soil. Composting is easy and saves waste from being trucked to a landfill or a composting facility.

How to do it:

– Create space for a compost pile or purchase a commercial composter

– Add soil, grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, and some food waste (no meats, oils, dairy)

– Visit the SOCWA Lawn & Garden website for more composting information (www.socwa.orgComposting flyer

Mulch Garden Beds

Mulch helps to retain moisture in the garden and helps to reduce weeds. Mulch also keeps gardens looking fresh and cared for.

Reducing Pollution

Many of the herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers used by gardeners today are harmful to the environment and should never be used near waterways. Excess nutrients from lawn fertilizers harm rivers and lakes. Opt for healthier alternatives for you and your family. More information:

MSU Extension

Healthy Lawn Care Tips

Mulch leaves into the lawn (Video)

Pick up Pet Waste

Pick up pet waste before rainy weather or snow melt to prevent bacteria from entering the river through the storm sewer. Many communities in the Rouge watershed have separate storm sewers that collect rain water from streets and parking lots and discharge directly to the Rouge River. The water isn’t treated and rain water picks up lots of pollutants from lawns, parking lots, roads and highways.

Reducing Stormwater Runoff

The #1 problem for the Rouge River is too much dirty runoff water each time it rains. Find out how you can do your part: Get RainSmart!

Reducing Stream Bank Erosion

A cost effective method to reduce streambank erosion and save riverfront property is to plant deep-rooted native wildflowers and grasses. The fibrous root systems create a living mesh that will help hold the soil in place. Native trees and shrubs provide shade in warm months, which is important to keep water temperature from rising and dissolved oxygen levels from falling too low to support life in the stream.

Stabilizing the Toe (Bottom of the Streambank)

Coir logs or large woody debris can be staked in to reduce localized erosion at the toe of the bank. This may be necessary to allow native vegetation to become established in erosion prone areas. Erosion control blankets may also be necessary to protect plantings from washing away in high water. A permit from MDEQ is required before this work can be completed. More information: Woody Debris Management 201

Managing Woody Debris

In the recent past, logjams were presumed to be a significant problem in urban rivers, such as the Rouge River, and were completely removed from stream channels. New studies have now shown that properly managed logjams help reduce erosion, provide habitat for fish and wildlife, and are an important part of a river system’s natural processes. More information: Woody Debris Management 101 Clean and Open Method

Build a Better Future

You deserve a clean and healthy Rouge River for your loved ones to safely enjoy today and to leave to future generations. Show your commitment to restoring the Rouge River watershed ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.


Volunteers (like you!) are the people who make it possible to restore and protect your Rouge River right here in southeast Michigan

Donate or Become a Member

Restore and protect the Rouge River ecosystem by becoming a member and friend today.

On Your Own

What you do in your yard can make a big difference to the health of the river and our whole ecosystem.