Wood frogs are found in deciduous, mature forests and use temporary, shallow ponds for breeding activities. These frogs are medium sized (adults grow up to 3.25 in. long) and are recognized by the black line across their eyes that gives the appearance of being masked. Females and males are easily distinguished by color and size: females are large and red whereas males are small and gray.
Wood frogs begin calling in the spring around April 1. They have the shortest window of breeding time for any Michigan frog or toad: 1-2 weeks. This is why they are known as “explosive breeders” and why surveyors often miss this species. They are not shy and will call day or night. The tadpoles also metamorphose quickly: froglets may be seen as early as mid-June in Michigan.
The call of the wood frog has been likened to the quacking of a duck or the clucking of a chicken.
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