Friends of the Rouge
650 Church Street Suite 209, Plymouth, MI 48170
EIN: 38-2672879

Copyright 2025 Friends of the Rouge.

Saturday, May 17th, 10 am-2pm @ Livonia DPW

Livonia DPW is located at 12973 Farmington Rd, Livonia, MI 48150.

If you have any questions, please reach out to , (734) 927-4913.

Pick Up: Rain Barrel and Native Plants

Pick up your pre-ordered rain barrels, rain barrel kits, stands, and diverters starting at 10am! (Sorry, no same day purchases of rain barrels available).

Pick up your pre-ordered native plant 38-cell flats and native plant kits starting at noon! (LIMITED same day purchases of flats or kits may be available).

Make sure to place your order by April 30th!

Shop Same-Day Plant Sale

Shop SAME-DAY native plants from Designs by Nature, LLC and Trees from Michiganense Natives!
Pick up plant plugs, quarts and 1-3 gallon pots of unique, native flowers, grasses and shrubs perfect for your yard. Plant experts will be on-hand to answer any of your questions! Cards and cash accepted.

Friends of the Rouge Members can use their 15% discount on same-day sales! Stop by the membership table to sign up if you’re not already a member. Your membership supports the great work Friends of the Rouge does all year-long.


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On Your Own

What you do in your yard can make a big difference to the health of the river and our whole ecosystem.