Check out the many insects and other macroinvertebrates that live in the Rouge River watershed.
CREATURE FEATURE Freshwater Snails
Gilled freshwater snail swims in Rouge watershed. – photo by FOTR A Tale of Two Snails GET TO KNOW Freshwater Snails The Rouge watershed is home to two different groups of freshwater snails – those with lungs and those with…
A Journey to the Ice and Snow GET TO KNOW Winter Stoneflies In the coldest days of winter, when the water freezes over, a tiny bug lives under the ice and snow. FUN FACT: Stoneflies are important indicators of water…
A Tiny Circus in the Snow GET TO KNOW Snow Fleas (a.k.a. Springtails) Snow fleas come out on warmer winter days to frolic in the snow. FUN FACT: Tiny, little snow fleas provide many positive ecosystem benefits. As decomposers, they…
CREATURE FEATURE – Earthworms (European & Asian Jumpers)
The Trouble with Worms GET TO KNOWCommon European Earthworms & the New Asian Jumpers American gardeners tend to believe that earthworms are a wonderful way to improve soil, but this is not always the case. Often called “soil architects,” earthworms…
Click to Read More CREATURE FEATURE – Earthworms (European & Asian Jumpers)
CREATURE FEATURE – Hummingbird Moth
Is it a hummingbird? A butterfly? A moth? Have you ever seen what you think is a small hummingbird around your flowers during the day? It could be a type of moth called the hummingbird clearwing moth. FUN FACT: Tiny…
Dance of the Mayfly GET TO KNOW – The Mayfly Each spring/summer, mayflies around the world emerge from freshwater rivers, lakes, and ponds. Massive populations of these tiny creatures rise up and take flight together. In vast swarms, they fly…
A True Survivor GET TO KNOW Mourning Cloaks If butterflies played Survivor, the mourning cloak would surely win. FUN FACT: Caterpillars grow through stages (known as instars) by shedding their skin an average of 5 times. Some caterpillars even change…
Rare Mussels Discovered in Rouge River
In July, while conducting routine fish surveys in the lower Rouge, FOTR staff and volunteers noticed an unusually high number of piles of freshly discarded clam shells along the water’s edge. The survey team was very excited to see this…
Zebra Mussels and Asian Clams Threaten Rouge Mussels
On Wednesday, September 28, biologist and freshwater mussel expert Joe Rathbun joined FOTR to search the Middle branch of the Rouge for mussels. After finding two state endangered/special concern species in the Lower branch last year, Joe and FOTR wanted…
Click to Read More Zebra Mussels and Asian Clams Threaten Rouge Mussels