Protect your home against flooding AND help birds, bees, and butterflies with a RAIN GARDEN! Get oriented and get going through the FREE livestream lunch & learn on Thursday, Aug. 5th at Noon.
- DOOR PRIZES include a rain barrel starter kit, a RainSmart consultation, AND a Native Plant Kit!
- Also, learn about how YOU can apply for funding to help you build your own rain garden.
Program Details:
Location: Virtual Webinar
Dates: Thu., Aug. 5, 2021
Time: Noon – 1:00pm
Cost: FREE (donations gratefully accepted)
Door Prizes
- One rain barrel starter kit for pick-up on 8/28 (learn more)
- A free 1 hr virtual consultation (learn more)
- One free Native Plant Kit! (learn more)
Solving Problems at Home
- Icy, dangerous sidewalks
- Water in the basement
- Large, boring lawn
Solving Problems in your Community
- Sustain bees, birds, and butterflies
- Stop flooding and pollution
- Clean water, Great Lakes!
You’ve got lawn, and you’ve got problems to solve. Let’s talk rain gardens! Join Friends of the Rouge to learn the essentials you need to bring rain gardens into your life. Get your lawn a job and bring your lawn to life with a rain garden!
Thanks to our event sponsors
Past HappeningsClick to learn more about past FOTR events.