Friends of the Rouge installed 23,000 sq ft of native gardens around the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) to […]
Friends of the Rouge planted over 13,000 bare-root tree saplings along the Lower Rouge in Wayne County. Plastic tree tubes were installed with each tree to deter predators and increase survivability.
As we wrap up another fantastic year of our Rain Gardens to the Rescue program, we want to share our immense gratitude and pride for everyone involved!
Our Friends of the Rouge Restoration team has been steadily working to install five community-scale rain gardens as part of the Rain Gardens to the Rescue (RGTTR) program, funded by National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
A huge thank you to everyone who came out for our recent PARC Rain Garden Spruce Up event—Picnic in the PARC!
Friends of the Rouge installed 23,000 sq ft of native gardens around the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) to […]
Stay connected with us! The Detroit River Coalition is a binational environmental resource hub leveraging collective partnerships to reduce litter […]
It’s the 51st anniversary of Earth Day! Celebrate with us by helping out at a local cleanup event, getting out […]
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Background Amphibians are sensitive indicators of habitat quality and their presence or absence can be used to assess wetland health. […]