Species of Fish Found in the Rouge River
We have identified 65 species of fish in the Rouge River, 55 native and 9 non-native. Press on the Species Name link for more photos and range maps. Species in Bold-Italic are not native to this area.
Family Index Links
Species and Links to Photos and Details
Family | Common Name | Species Name |
Lamprey (Petromyzontidae) | American Brook Lamprey | Lampetra appendix |
Bowfin (Amiidae) | Bowfin | Amia calva |
Herring (Dorosomatidae) | Gizzard Shad | Dorosoma cepedianum |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Central Stoneroller | Campostoma anomalum |
Minnow (Cyprinidae) | Goldfish | Carassius auratus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Redside Dace | Clinostomus elongatus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Spotfin Shiner | Cyprinella spiloptera |
Minnow (Cyprinidae) | Common Carp | Cyprinus carpio |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Striped Shiner | Luxilus chrysocephalus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Common Shiner | Luxilus cornutus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Hornyhead Chub | Nocomis biguttatus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Golden Shiner | Notemigonus crysoleucas |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Pugnose shiner | Notropis anogenus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Emerald Shiner | Notropis atherinoides |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Blackchin Shiner | Notropis heterodon |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Blacknose Shiner | Notropis heterolepis |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Spottail Shiner | Notropis hudsonius |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Mimic Shiner | Notropis volucellus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Northern Redbelly Dace | Chrosomus eos |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Bluntnose Minnow | Pimephales notatus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Fathead Minnow | Pimephales promelas |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Blacknose Dace | Rhinichthys atratulus |
Minnow (Leuciscidae) | Creek Chub | Semotilus atromaculatus |
Sucker (Catostomidae) | White Sucker | Catostomus commersonii |
Sucker (Catostomidae) | Northern Hogsucker | Hypentelium nigricans |
Sucker (Catostomidae) | Spotted Sucker | Minytrema melanops |
Sucker (Catostomidae) | Golden Redhorse | Moxostoma erythrurum |
Catfish (Ictaluridae) | Black Bullhead | Ameiurus melas |
Catfish (Ictaluridae) | Yellow Bullhead | Ameiurus natalis |
Catfish (Ictaluridae) | Brown Bullhead | Ameiurus nebulosus |
Catfish (Ictaluridae) | Channel Catfish | Ictalurus punctatus |
Catfish (Ictaluridae) | Stonecat | Noturus flavus |
Catfish (Ictaluridae) | Tadpole madtom | Noturus gyrinus |
Pike (Esocidae) | Grass Pickerel | Esox Americanus vermiculatus |
Pike (Esocidae) | Northern Pike | Esox lucius |
Mudminnow (Umbridae) | Central Mudminnow | Umbra limi |
Salmon (Salmonidae) | Rainbow Trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Salmon (Salmonidae) | Brown Trout | Salmo trutta |
Killifish (Fundulidae) | Mummichog | Fundulus heteroclitus |
Livebearer (Poecileiidae) | Mosquitofish | Gambusia affinis |
Silverside (Atherinopsidae) | Brook Silverside | Labidesthes sicculus |
Stickleback (Gasterosteidae) | Brook Stickleback | Culaea inconstans |
Stickleback (Gasterosteidae) | Threespine stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus |
Sculpin (Cottidae) | Mottled Sculpin | Cottus bairdii |
Temperate bass (Moronidae) | White Perch | Morone americana |
Temperate bass (Moronidae) | White Bass | Morone chrysops |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Rock Bass | Ambloplites rupestris |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Green Sunfish | Lepomis cyanellus |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Pumpkinseed | Lepomis gibbosus |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Bluegill | Lepomis macrochrius |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Northern Sunfish | Lepomis peltastes |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Smallmouth Bass | Micropterus dolomieu |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Largemouth Bass | Micropterus salmoides |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | White Crappie | Pomoxis annularis |
Sunfish (Centrarchidae) | Black Crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus |
Perch (Percidae) | Rainbow Darter | Etheostoma caeruleum |
Perch (Percidae) | Iowa Darter | Etheostoma exile |
Perch (Percidae) | Least Darter | Etheostoma microperca |
Perch (Percidae) | Johnny Darter | Etheostoma nigrum |
Perch (Percidae) | Yellow Perch | Perca flavescens |
Perch (Percidae) | Northern Logperch | Percina caprodes |
Perch (Percidae) | Blackside Darter | Percina maculata |
Drum (Sciaenidae) | Freshwater Drum | Aplodinotus grunniens |
Goby (Gobiidae) | Round Goby | Neogobius melanostomus |