friends@therouge.org | 734-927-4900 | Fax: 734-927-4920
Native Planting Projects

Native Planting Projects

04/27/19 @ 9am - 12pm - Site Coordinators: Charles Markus, (248) 594-2808 and Dan Badgley, (248) 341-6487 Sponsoring Organization: Bloomfield Township and Bloomfield Hills Schools Site activities will include tree planting, native planting and trail maintenance.

Litter Clean-up Projects

05/11/19 @ 9am - 12pm - Site Coordinator: Robert Hurley, (313)805-0766 Volunteers will be picking up trash in and around the river, removing overgrown invasive honeysuckle, and planting natives around the comfort station building. Please bring waders, hand saws, shovels, or rakes if you have any to help get all the work we have planned done! Looking for one or two [...]

Invasive Species Workshops

05/11/19 @ 1pm - 4pm - Site Coordinator: Karen Marzonie, (313)701-2240 Sponsoring Organization: Henry Ford Estate Fair Lane Our focus will be removing invasive garlic mustard from wooded areas on the Fair Lane (Henry Ford Estate) property. Wear long pants and closed toed shoes. No tools required. Cotton gloves provided (or bring your own gardening gloves if preferred).

Family Friendly Projects

05/18/19 @ 8am - 1pm - Site Coordinator: Christie Jones, (734) 394-5160 Sponsoring Organization: Canton Township Come join us for native wildflower and grass seeding in buffer zones, rain barrel demonstrations, and historical farming demonstrations. Northeast side of Ridge and Cherry Hill.

Managing Woody Debris Workshops

05/18/19 @ 8am - 1pm - Site Coordinator: Brandy Siedlaczek, (248)796-4806 Sponsoring Organization: City of Southfield Come on out to Beech Woods Recreation Center for woody debris management and invasive species control.

Rouge Park Rouge Rescue

05/18/19 @ 8am - 1pm - Site Coordinator: Sally Petrella, (734) 927-4904 Sponsoring Organization: Friends of Rouge Park in partnership with the City of Detroit, Detroit AeroModelers, Boy Scouts and Americorps Sign up to volunteer at Rouge Park here! This is one of the largest Rouge Rescue sites in Detroit's largest park and sponsored by the Friends of Rouge Park in [...]

Linden Park-Clean-Up

05/18/19 @ 8am - 12pm - Site Coordinator: Connie Folk, (248) 530-1642 Sponsoring Organization: City of Birmingham 8:30 Registration. Volunteers will be removing invasive species. Recommended items to wear & bring: Boots or sturdy shoes, long pants & long-sleeve shirt, hat, and sunscreen. Volunteers should dress according to prevailing weather conditions. Mosquito repellent, gloves and bags will be provided. From South [...]

Rouge Rescue at Moelke Park

05/18/19 @ 8am - 11am - Site Coordinators: Arica Flores and John Wojnar, (734)466-2642 Sponsoring Organization: City of Livonia Come out for a native planting, invasive plant removal, woody debris management and park clean up!

Oakwood Heights and Fordson Island Rouge Rescue

05/18/19 @ 9am - 12pm - Site Coordinator: Paul Draus, (313) 583-6628 Sponsoring Organization: FRoG (The Fort/Rouge Gateway) Meet by the Fort Street Bridge Park sign. We will clean up along the Rouge River banks on Oakwood side and Fordson Island, also in Marathon Gardens wildlife habitat at SDEV garden site.

Eliza Howell Rouge Rescue

05/18/19 @ 9am - 12pm - Site Coordinator: Riet Schumack, (313) 283-8091 We will be cleaning up plastic and other trash from log jams in the river behind Eliza Howell Park.
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